Why should a trader choose to trade shares?

Profit Potential

Engaging in share trading presents the possibility of significant gains. As the value of a company’s stock increases, traders can capitalize on the chance to sell their shares at a higher price than their original purchase, leading to profitable outcomes.


Participating in share trading offers traders the ability to diversify their investment portfolios. Through the ownership of shares across different companies and industries, traders can spread risk and reduce the potential influence of the performance of individual companies on the overall value of their investment portfolio.


The stock market is known for its high liquidity, which means that shares can be easily bought or sold at the current market prices. This level of fluidity allows traders to swiftly enter and exit positions, offering advantages to those utilizing short-term trading strategies.

Access to Publicly Listed Companies

Participating in share trading provides investors with the opportunity to hold a ownership position in well-established and successful publicly listed companies. This avenue for ownership is frequently not available when dealing with private companies.


Some companies choose to distribute dividends to their shareholders, which represents a share of the company’s profits. Dividend payments can offer a reliable income stream for traders, especially those who follow a long-term investment approach.


Experienced traders proficient in analyzing market trends and assessing company performance often engage in share trading for speculative reasons. They aim to predict short-term price changes and exploit these movements to generate profits.


Share trading can also function as a strategic hedging method. For instance, an investor who maintains a substantial stake in a particular stock might utilize derivatives to protect themselves from potential losses. This hedging strategy serves to minimize risks and offers a safeguard against unfavorable market shifts.